Things have been kind of weird this past week. Up and down. I keep composing blog posts in my head, but not writing them down. Maybe a good thing. I have one good day and then a string of bad ones. Some issues I keep working on get out of control. Too many things get out of control and it all seems hopeless. Going nowhere. Deep thoughts like that.
We did go to the Giants Stitch 'N Pitch on Tuesday and it sucked royally. Due to external factors, mainly. This was the kid's first ball game and we had him pretty primed for it. And I was going to see knitters and maybe find some Ravelry folks. The bad thing was that it was a 7:15 game.
Well, I decided we would get there an hour to an hour and a half before the game so the little one could see the ballpark, which has a cable car, and slides, and great views. And maybe see batting practice before heading up to the nosebleed seats, then just watch a little of the game. Public transportation had a total breakdown and it took an hour and forty-five minutes to get there, and it was time to find our seats. On the way my husband got a phone call about a big problem at the job site. So we got there frazzled and bummed out.
I got my hat, and I don't care if you Ravelers think I'm greedy, no goody bag. We went to our seats and there was no way little K. was going to sit after being so good on the horrible trip there. I got my knitting out, Mr. TVP ran him about at bit. Then he went to make calls to deal with the problem, leaving me with a wiggly toddler. K. actually had a good time, his beloved fire boat sprayed water at the beginning of the game. Then there were two home runs in the first inning with all the hoopla. And random screaming and clapping! And I bought ridiculously expensive hot chocolate and popcorn from the roaming vendors.
All in all I knitted one row on a sock and met zero knitters. Don't want to count how much we spent.
Wednesday was horrible, Thursday was okay. We went to the zoo and had a good time. K. amused the crowds at the giraffe feeding.
Yeah, this guy:
This morning K. and I went out on our Friday street-sweeper pilgrimage. Yes, this is my life now, chasing down trucks and heavy equipment.
My mother came this afternoon and I puttered and decided to ride my bike for the first time in probably a year. First I had to change the knobby back tire to street tread. Both were new, so a pain to get on and off. Then I had to change clothes and clean the grease off. I did a final check before taking off to meet my husband for a beer. I spun the front wheel and and it got caught on the brakes. Crap. I reached down to readjust and I see broken spokes. What the h*%%. The last time I had this bike out there was a broken spoke and I got it fixed, and it was just hanging since then. I have never had broken spokes on any bike before.
I was so ticked because I finally got the bike all ready and then this. This is the kind of week I've been having. I thought of the other bike but it has squeaky brakes and would need to be all cleaned up, too, and Mr. TVP was already at the bar. In a last ditch effort I took the front wheel off the crappy one and put it on the pink one. Hallejula. The brakes are really soft, but the back ones are all good.
So I rode my pink bike wearing my pink helmet, cute bike skort, and loose shirt with pink, blue and green embroidery. Things were looking up. I rode the twenty-five blocks to the bar. It was very pleasant and my legs didn't fall off as I had feared. I got to the bar and things were even better once I had a beer and knit on my sock. Made up in part for the bad Stitch 'N Pitch. Then I rode back home. Very nice afternoon.
1 comment:
Happy birthday to little K! Sorry for the series of unfortunate events, oh life with a toddler. At least you finally got out on the bike after all the obstacles.
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