Sunday, March 16, 2008

Bobble Head Martin Luther

First a little housekeeping: Your eyes do not deceive you. Sometimes I date a post with the previous day's date because that's when I thought of the idea. Often in the evenings while I appear to be reading a rousing rendition of "The Little Engine That Could" or "Thomas' Railway Wordbook" I am actually composing blog posts in my head. Sometimes I fall asleep before getting to the computer. I believe this is within the Blogging 365 guidelines. Also, the posts are either here or on Sunset Style. Edited to add: Also, Blogger hates uploading photos for me. I have about a 10% success rate, so often start a post, but am unable to finish it until the next day.

I came across a blurb in "Thivent" magazine for Here you can find Lutheran humor: "You might be a Lutheran have more than five flavors of Jell-O in your pantry". Lutheran recipes - Tater Tot Hotdish (hmmm could I use veggie ground beef for that?). I am most intrigued by the store, though. Yes, indeed, there is a bobble-head Martin Luther, as well as temporary tattoos (!!??), and clergy girl dolls.

Check it out.

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