Today we celebrated twenty years of our Daughters of Norway Lodge, Anna Kolbjørnsdatter, #36. We had a catered tea party prepared by our sisters of Sigrid Undset Lodge #32.
That's the beautiful program our Cultural Director, Jill Beatty, created.
We honored our charter members, past presidents, and deceased members, each group in a special, different way. And we initiated several new members. It was a day to celebrate all the talented women, past and present, who make our organization the sisterhood it is.
At the very end, all these candles, representing deceased members were lit. Then we proceeded up to the table, each member with a flower in hand with a late sister's name on it. When we reached the front, the name was read, a candle extinguished, and the flower placed in the vase.
This year is also the 100th anniversary of the first Daughters of Norway lodges.
If you are in San Francisco at the first part of May, be sure to go to Norway Day on the 3rd and 4th. It's a fun time, and there is a lot of entertainment and things to see, do and buy. Our lodge is performing a troll play on Saturday afternoon.
You are lucky to be so involved with your heritage.
I've been meaning to ask if you are Scandinavian, Kristen?
And by the way, my husband grew up a lot of places, including New Hampshire. He still has family and friends there. I can't wait until our son is old enough, and we have the time & money so I can see the East Coast and many of my in-laws.
I haven't been past Portage, Indiana (except Cape Canaveral, but that is the South, for sure).
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